Ernest came to Nova Scotia from Ghana in 2010 after enrolling in the NSAC Master of Science program. Raj was not his original supervisor, but a twist of fate brought them together. Ernest would go on to complete both his MSc and PhD as part of Dr. Lada’s research program on Christmas trees, focusing on balsam fir volatiles.
“Ernest is a very hardworking individual,” says Raj. “He took on a complicated project, in a subject matter that was new to him, doing research that had never been done before. I don’t know anybody else who would have taken that challenge on, and I congratulate him for it.”
As if grad studies weren’t enough, Ernest was also finding his path to entrepreneurship. Almost immediately after relocating to Truro, he found himself figuring out how to ship goods home to Ghana, and by 2012, he had established Asante Logistic Group, a business he ran on the side with his wife Anita while pursuing his MSc and then PhD.
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