Four Videos To Watch Before Applying Fungicides To Soybeans

Sep 04, 2014

Farmers started applying fungicides to manage soybean diseases only relatively recently, according to Iowa State University Extension plant pathologist Daren Mueller. He traces the use of these products back to 2004, when soybean rust was first detected in U.S. soybeans.

Since then, farmers have increased their use of fungicides, due to several factors. As a result, in just 10 years, one fungal pathogen has already developed resistance to a common class of fungicides. The soy checkoff funds various research projects to minimize further development of fungicide resistance.

Additionally, the Plant Management Network (PMN) has posted a series of online videos – free for U.S. soybean farmers through a soy-checkoff sponsorship – to help U.S. soybean farmers continue to get the most from their fungicides:

The soy checkoff partners with PMN to provide U.S. soybean farmers with practical production information they can use on their farms. Through the checkoff’s partnership, these presentations are available to U.S. soybean farmers to watch for free. Be sure to check back often for new presentations on soybean yield robbers, such as weeds, pests and environmental stresses.

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