Foreign hands-on American Soil - A closer look

Sep 28, 2023

Foreign ownership of U.S. farmland is under the Senate's microscope. Owning approximately 3% of the total agricultural land, foreign entities have sparked a national conversation. 

Senator Jon Tester emphasizes, "Food security is national security." The idea of nations like China and Russia having stakes in U.S. land is unsettling, especially with a 66% increase in foreign ownership since 2010. 

While Canada and several European countries lead in foreign investment, China's strategic investments near military bases are particularly concerning. 

Proposed legislation aims to curb foreign ownership. Amendments and bills, including the Farmland Security Act of 2023, are being discussed to protect American agriculture from potential threats. 

However, the path is challenging. The impending expiration of the current farm bill and the sluggish progress are sources of frustration. Senator Ernst advocates addressing foreign investment and putting more emphasis on "farm" in the farm bill. 

The potential impact on trade is also a critical factor. Restrictive measures could trigger retaliation, affecting the U.S.'s agricultural trade, especially with major importers like China. 

Source : wisconsinagconnection
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