USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) reminds Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin producers that the final date to apply for crop insurance for fall-seeded forage seeding, such as alfalfa, is July 31, 2024, for the 2025 crop year. Current policyholders also have until the July 31 Sales Closing Date to make changes to their existing coverage. If the forage seeding program is not available in a producer’s county, a request for a written agreement to insure fall- or spring-seeded forage seeding must be submitted by the crop’s cancellation date of July 31 for the first year a written agreement is requested. Producers are encouraged to contact their crop insurance agent for specific details.
RMA also reminds producers with a 2024 forage seeding policy that the Premium Billing Date is August 15, 2024. This is the same Premium Billing Date for crops such as corn and soybeans, but the forage seeding policy has a termination date of September 30, 2024. Producers should be mindful of these dates when timely paying their premium.
Federal crop insurance is critical to the farm safety net. It helps producers and owners manage revenue risks and strengthens the rural economy. Additional information, like earliest planting dates, can be found on the Actuarial Information Browser page on the RMA website.
Crop insurance is sold and delivered solely through private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA Service Centers and online at the RMA Agent Locator. Learn more about crop insurance and the modern farm safety net at