For years, many producers utilized ractopamine to add lean gain in the last 15 – 35 days before market. The tool improved feed efficiency and helped the pigs grow at a rate similar to their fastest growth stage – around 150 lbs.
Like any tool, its usefulness all came down to economics. In good markets, it could provide a $2 – 3 return, while in some years, with its costs figured in, it was breakeven. But many producers appreciated having the tool available to add to their bottom line under the right conditions.
Ractopamine was an excellent tool for bringing up fall behinds. In many cases, it was used after the first cut to encourage the slow growers and, in some cases, could help producers get rid of that last cut. Barn timing isn’t about when the first pigs go; it’s about when the last pigs leave. Getting all the pigs out a week faster – and not having to feed that last group in a mostly empty barn – can have a significant impact on overall productivity.