Figure 2: Field Pea, Pisum sativum spp. arvense
Where do peas grow?
Field peas are a cool season annual plant grown adapted to cool temperate zones such as Western Canada. Field pea is the most widely grown pulse crop in Alberta and is grown in Southern Alberta, Central Alberta, or the Peace River Region.
In 2019, Alberta’s pulse growers grew 1,685,900 metric tonnes of field peas on 1,743,300 acres with farm cash receipts of $387 Million. Alberta dry pea exports were valued at $508 Million with China accounting for the majority of exports at $294 Million, Bangladesh at $105 Million, followed by India ($30 Million), Cuba ($20 Million), United States ($15 Million), Nepal ($10 Million), as well as Colombia, Pakistan, Taiwan, Philippines and other countries.
(Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch)
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