Field Notes Checks Harvest Progress with Iowa Farmer April Hemmes

Oct 17, 2018
This week, the National Corn Growers Association continued its eighth season of Field Notes, a series that takes readers behind the farm gate to follow the year in the life of American farm families. While these growers come from diverse geographic areas and run unique operations, they share a common love for U.S. agriculture and the basic values that underpin life in farming communities.
Today, Field Notes caught up with April Hemmes, who farms in north-central Iowa. Unseasonable conditions have severely hampered her harvest progress thus far.
“We had two inches of wet snow on Sunday,” Hemmes explained. “I haven’t combined corn for 12 days, and I haven’t combined one single soybean. We are wet so that generally tells the story of farming in my area.”
To listen to the full interview, including an explanation of why late, wet harvests impact crops, click here.
Stay tuned over the coming weeks as Field Notes follows the growers who have opened their farms, families and communities up this year and meet the true faces of modern American agriculture.
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