African Swine Fever (ASF) is a highly contagious virus that causes 100 percent mortality in swine and for which there is no commercially available vaccine. While ASF has not yet occurred in the US, an outbreak would cause significant economic harm and could impact food availability. The Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research awarded a $145,000 grant to Genvax Technologies to develop a self-amplifying messenger RNA (saRNA) vaccine for African Swine Fever in collaboration with the United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Services- Plum Island Animal Disease Center (USDA-ARS-PIADC). Matching funds were provided by Genvax Technologies for a total $290,000 investment in innovative ASF vaccine research.
ASF is present in many countries around the world, but to date it has never been detected in the US. Due to its prevalence and deadly consequences in other countries, and the risk of it spreading to the US, it is critical that we are prepared for potential future outbreaks of the virus. ASF is not a threat to human health as it cannot be transmitted from pigs to humans; however, the high mortality rates it causes in pigs would significantly disrupt US pork producers and the economy.
Economic models estimate the worst-case scenario of a US ASF outbreak would result in a $50 billion loss to US pig producers and allied industry. Additionally, as the US exports 20 percent of its annual pork production, an outbreak could affect the availability of US pork on the world market, reducing access to animal protein and impacting global food security.
“We have already seen the effects of this highly contagious, deadly virus in countries across the world. If ASF reaches the US, we need to be prepared with an effective vaccine that can protect the US swine industry,” said FFAR Scientific Program Director Dr. Tim Kurt. “We have learned from the COVID pandemic that RNA vaccines can be produced rapidly and adapted for different variants; now it’s time to apply those learnings to improve animal health.”