FERA Diagnostics and Biologicals is pleased to introduce FerAppease Swine. This unique analogue of the naturally occurring Maternal Swine Appeasing Substance (MSAS) is used to reduce stress, and improve piglet and adult pig welfare, health and performance.
“Naturally, MSAS is secreted by the sow’s skin to comfort her piglets while nursing,” says FERA Diagnostics and Biologicals founder and CEO Rodrigo Bicalho, D.V.M, Ph.D. “Now MSAS is available in a bottle. FerAppease Swine is applied topically on an animal’s nose and forehead. When breathed in, it works in the brain to reduce stress and minimize the animal’s perception of danger, allowing it to feel safe and more comfortable during routine management and physiological stressors, such as processing, castration, weaning, transportation, commingling, farrowing and much more.”