Just like the past few months, the latest monthly Cattle on Feed report showed a record number of cattle in feedlots with 11.85 million head on feed as of June 1st. This was up 1.2 percent (or 142,000 head) over June 1, 2021 and is the highest on record for any June 1st since the series began in 1996.

Placements were down 2.1 percent during May 2022 as compared to May 2021. This was a surprise when compared to pre-report estimates which ranged from one percent lower to 1.5 percent higher than a year ago. Despite the overall decline, placements of lighter cattle were higher. Placements of cattle under 700 pounds were up about 5 percent while placements over 700 pounds were down about 5.5 percent. Approximately half of the increase in lighter-weight placements occurred in Texas where drought continues to impact cattle flows.
Marketings were about 2.5 percent above year-ago levels, but May 2022 had one more slaughter day than May 2021. On a daily average, marketings were slightly lower than a year ago and were at the low end of the pre-report range of expectations.