“Providing education to cattle producers in the areas of cattle feeding, grading and marketing helps them make management decisions to add value to their cattle operation,” says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist.
Understanding calf feedlot performance and carcass characteristics helps build a reputation that leads to marketing your calves post-weaning at a premium, Davis says.MU Extension is partnering with the Show Me Youth Ag Academy, Missouri State University and the Barton County Cattlemen’s Association to hold a Feeder Cattle Grading, Marketing and Feeding Workshop 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 3, at the First Baptist Church’s Family Life Outreach Center, 1301 E. Sixth St., Lamar.
“The Barton County Cattlemen’s Association meeting will focus on various aspects of the steers enrolled in the Missouri Steer Feedout program,” says Davis. The Missouri Steer Feedout program in mid-November enrolled 43 steers from six farms with the goal of giving youths and steer owners hands-on experience in feeding, management and marketing feedlot cattle. Furthermore, the program provides feeding and carcass data to steer owners to improve their operation and help in marketing their cattle. The cattlemen’s meeting will have three guest speakers:
- Lonnie Peetz, USDA market reporter, on grading and pricing of steers enrolled in the Missouri Steer Feedout.
- Jim Schiltz, field representative with Joplin Regional Stockyards, on marketing and buying feeder cattle.
- Robert Jones, nutritionist with Great Plains Livestock and consultant for the Show Me Youth Ag Academy feedlot, on nutritional management of feedlot cattle.