Through LFIF up to $10 million will be invested, with projects receiving between $15,000 and $120,000 each, of the 192 projects announced 65 are Indigenous-led, totalling up to $5 million.
In Manitoba, eight projects will receive funding including the South Central Committee on Family Violence Inc. at Winkler will receive $24,228 for the purchase a freezer, two refrigerators, two convection ovens, microwave and dishwasher. $24,228
In Saskatchewan, 13 projects will receive funding including Kawacatoose First Nation at Raymore they will receive $117,950 for the purchase of hydroponic tower gardens, potato farming equipment and gardening tools.
While 17 Projects in Alberta will receive funding including the Foothills School Division No. 38 in High River will receive $38,775 for the purchase and install solar panels for vertical farm.
Projects and final funding are subject to negotiation of an agreement.
Source : Pembinavalley online