First, the labels on cattle implants should clearly state if it is approved for reimplantation in a production phase by June 2023, so cattle producers can follow the label’s instructions. Implant labels should provide instructions for which production phase the implant is approved for (e.g., the “beef calf” phase, the “growing beef steers/heifers on pasture” phase, the “growing beef steers/heifers in a dry lot” phase, the “growing beef steers/heifers fed in confinement for slaughter” phase). The FDA CVM has definitions of these different production phases on their website. Below is a bulleted list of some of the production phases involving younger cattle that are typically raised for beef production.
Beef cattle production phases
- Dairy calves
- Calves fed milk until weaning (pre-ruminating).
- Beef calves
- Calves nursing their dams and less than two months of age (pre-ruminating).
- Calves nursing their dams and greater than two months of age (ruminating).
- Beef steers/heifers (includes both beef and dairy breeds)
- Growing beef steers/heifers on pasture (e.g., stockers).
- Growing beef steers/heifers in a dry lot (e.g., backgrounders).
- Growing beef steers/heifers fed in confinement for slaughter (e.g., feedlot cattle).
If the cattle implant you choose to use is not labeled for reimplant use, it may still be used again during a subsequent production phase if approved for that production phase. If the cattle implant is labeled with approval for reimplantation, that means you can readminister the cattle implant within that approved production phase.
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