Sean Kjos, communications co-ordinator for Farming Smarter, says that the mandate of Farming Smarter is to inspire and empower innovation in agriculture by bridging ideas, conducting practical research and sharing the knowledge they cultivate.
“We apply, adapt, and encourage adoption of innovative crop technologies and management practices that make farming more successful and sustain environmental, social and economic health,” Kjos said.
Kjos says that Farming Smarter conducts research projects with the goal of improving the resilience of crop production in southern Alberta, which includes testing new and existing management practices, technology, and crops to serve innovative producers, agronomists, and agricultural stakeholders while partnering with like-minded organizations involved in agriculture innovation, applied research and knowledge transfer in production agriculture.
“Our most exciting current projects are Upland Rice, exploring the possibility of growing rice in southern Alberta, our Saving Soils project which explores terminating cover crops in two unique ways to assist with crop growth, and our Tillage and Seeding Systems for Canola project which is just wrapping up its final year,” Kjos said.