In the new study, published in Science, researchers combined satellite images with data on underground water levels as well as observations from several field studies and simulations to understand what is driving increased flooding in the South American flatlands.
Looking at the satellite data, they found that the Pampas has been flooding more intensively than the rest of the continent since 1977, with flooded areas expanding to extremely flat zones with high concentrations of crops. After the turn of the 21st century, when agriculture in the region expanded and consolidated, researchers also identified more occurrences of floods in places that had never historically flooded at all. From this period on, more than three quarters of all newly flooded areas on the continent occurred in the plains.
Data from eight monitoring stations in the Pampas also revealed that the water table—the boundary between water-saturated ground and unsaturated ground—has gone from very deep (6 to 12 meters) in the 1970s to very shallow (0 to 4 meters) after the 2000s, especially in cultivated lands.
Field studies and computer simulations offered an explanation for both the flooding and rising water table, suggesting that the replacement of native vegetation by crops is making the region more prone to flooding. Crops have shallower roots than the ecosystem’s native grasslands and forests, limiting the Pampas’s ability to absorb and retain water.
Plants That Prevent Floods
Plants use their roots to suck up water from the soil, which is then released as vapor into the atmosphere through transpiration. The deeper the plant roots are, the more efficiently the plant takes water out of the ground.
Because the Pampas is so flat, the rainwater that reaches the ground doesn’t spread much and instead penetrates horizontally into the soil, accumulating underground. Although native vegetation can reach down 15 meters and absorb water from those depths, crops have much shallower roots, around 3 meters deep, and can remove water only from shallow zones. In addition, crops are seasonal and are not present to absorb water year-round.
“You can think of it as a bank: The native perennial vegetation is much more effective at taking money out of the bank, and the agricultural shallow-rooted crops with fallow seasons are not,” explained hydrologist Bridget Scanlon from the University of Texas at Austin. “So then you get a buildup of water, and the water table rises, and you can get flooding.”
Scanlon, who was not involved with the new research but studies the effects of land use on groundwater levels, was struck by how drastic the situation is in the Pampas. Similar processes have been well documented in other parts of the world, including the United States and South Africa, she said. But none has shown the same flooding extent as in the Pampas.
Good for Crops, but Not for Too Long
On a positive note, the researchers also observed (in a parallel study) that the rise of the water table in the Pampas might be favorable for agriculture, buffering the negative impacts of the drought season. However, they stressed, this positive effect will last only in the short run.
The authors warn that flooding risk in the Pampas will only keep rising with the expansion of crops and expected effects of climate change, which include more rain. “We no longer need an extraordinary amount of rain to get more floods,” said coauthor and geoscientist Esteban Jobbágy at CONICET. “There will be no space to host the water excess, which is expected to increase particularly during the summers in the coming years.”
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