Sold-Out Crowd Gathers for the 2024 Precision Farming Dealer Summit

Jan 11, 2024

The 9th Annual Precision Farming Dealer Summit, held at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown in Indianapolis, Ind., on January 8-9, 2024, drew a sold-out crowd of 183 attendees, including 58 different dealerships from across the United States, Canada and Australia.

Centered on the theme “Proven Strategies for Precision Success,” the program featured 2-days of dealer-to-dealer roundtable discussions, panel presentations, general sessions and intense networking opportunities.

Precision Farming Dealer technology editor Noah Newman noted during remarks that attendees cited the short- and long-term value they draw from Summit discussions and exchanges with precision dealers of different sizes and locations.

"Attendees enjoyed hearing different perspectives from a diverse group of speakers on new technology, autonomy, service stress alleviation, training, customer clinics, farmer’s needs, OEM vision, burnout prevention and more,” says Newman. 

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