He is the founder of Geco Engineering, which has turned its attention to crop production.
“My passion is in developing and deploying advanced machine learning (or AI), control, and automation technologies … to address meaningful problems,” says his UBC profile page.
“I’m fascinated by the challenges and opportunities posed by agricultural problems.”
Right now, he’s focused on the problem of weed management.
Most farmers apply a single herbicide or multiple herbicides across an entire field to control weeds. Stewart has developed a technology that creates predictive weed maps so farmers can use herbicides more strategically.
“We’re making predictions about where weeds will emerge. The technology is a combination of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and agronomic modelling,” Stewart said. “We’re looking at what the weed population has been doing over the last five years… Then we’re able to make a prediction about where they will appear next year.”
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