NAEDA Announces Employees for Scholarship Matching Program

Aug 16, 2023

The North American Equipment Dealers Association (NAEDA) announced that 47 dealership employees have been approved for the 2023 EDF Matching Scholarship Program. Each employee will receive a $2,000 scholarship: $1,000 from the EDF and $1,000 from the participating equipment dealer.

The EDF matching scholarship program is designed to assist in the training, re-training or advancement of employees or potential employees of farm, construction, industrial and outdoor power equipment dealer. This is with the intent to create a larger pool of qualified, committed long-term employees for those dealerships.

“We are excited that the EDF can continue to support dealers and their employees through the educational programs and services designed specifically for our industry,” shared Tom Nobbe, Chair of the EDF. “Dealers are investing heavily in their facilities, their employees and their work environment and we are making our dealerships attractive places to work. We are pleased that NAEDA and the EDF can continue to support their efforts through this program.”

The EDF also has recently awarded $90,000 to 140 middle and secondary school teachers needing curriculum certification to start and teach ag mechanics and general ag classes through the Curriculum in Agriculture and Science Education (CASE) Program. The EDF also leads the industry’s Technicians for Tomorrow Program.

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