Farm Brothers Connect with Public Through Music Videos

Jan 16, 2018

A farm family from Kansas is helping bridge the gap between the farm community and the general public through the use of music videos.
In mid-2012 the Peterson Farm Brothers posted the first of what would grow into a series of music videos that depict life on the farm.
Greg Peterson, a Kansas State University grad who majored in Agricultural Communications, told those on hand last week for the 2018 Banff Pork Seminar, the group is up of himself, his two brothers and his sister.
Greg Peterson-Peterson Farm Brothers:
The first video was I'm Farming and I Grow It.
It's a parody of I'm Sexy and I Know It and it was just supposed to be a funny parody video we were making for our friends.
We took that original song and changed the lyrics to be about farming instead and we posted it for our friends to watch and it ended up going viral on the internet with five million views in a week.
We filmed it primarily with cell phones over about a month long period, my brothers and I while we were working on the farm.
It was received just overwhelmingly positive.
It was shared throughout ag communities all over the world and ever since then we've continued to make multiple videos each year.
I think the key messaging is that farmers A, are important.
Everyone is affected by farmers because everyone eats.

Source : Farmscape