Energy Needs Increase In Bitter Cold Temperatures

Jan 15, 2020

This week’s forecast is calling for some pretty frigid temperatures, those temperatures are hard on us, but also hard on livestock.
The animals feed intake increases as they burn more energy trying to stay warm.
Dwayne Summach is a Regional Livestock and Feed Extension Specialist with Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Agriculture.
“When we talk about daytime highs that are lower than minus 20, for every five degrees below minus 20, we need some extra energy. That usually looks like an extra pound of grain, or an extra pound and a half of a really good quality forage.”
Producers will likely go through a lot of feed trying to keep the energy level and condition up on those animals.
Summach says the animals' energy needs can be compounded by pregnancy if you’re into a calving season at that time.
“ We're getting into that last trimester and so anytime their nutrition is compromised during that last trimester, we can actually influence the resulting expression of genetic potential of the calves for their lifetime. So, we want to make sure that we don't short the cows any nutrients at this point in time.”

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