The General Manager of Sask Pork reports efforts to bring populations of wild pigs under control in Saskatchewan are showing signs of success. Earlier this year the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture introduced enhanced measures to control feral pigs, including a moratorium on new commercial wild boar farms, developing regulations for licensing existing farms and enhancing surveillance and control while the Saskatchewan Pork Development Board launched a toll-free hot line to allow the public to report sightings of feral pigs.
Sask Pork General Manager Mark Ferguson says this issue is being taken very seriously.
Clip-Mark Ferguson-Saskatchewan Pork Development Board :
We know they're very smart animals and the one thing they're really good at is remaining hidden from people so the biggest issue we have in trapping and eradicating them is actually finding them. We do know that, over the years, there's been two pockets in the province where they've resided and ranged from. The first one has been the Moose Mountain region in southeast Saskatchewan and that has kind of been the historical place we know they've been.