The CEO of Farm Health Guardian suggests effective biosecurity requires a team effort."Biosecurity: What’s New in Protecting Your Farm?" will be among the topics discussed as part of Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium 2022 set for November 15 and 16 in Saskatoon.
Rob Hannam, the CEO of Farm Heath Guardian, suggests effective biosecurity is all about all of us working together.
Clip-Rob Hannam-Farm Heath Guardian:
We all know how important biosecurity but we're people and it's easy to lose sight of that.It's hard to maintain your efforts on that day to day every day.But, if we look just on the horizon, whether it's disease issues in certain provinces, there's been PRRS issues or PED issues and those can be devastating and, if we look out just a little further, the whole sector has a significant risk of foreign animal diseases and I'm thinking about African Swine Fever.