Drought continued to show improvement across large portions of Western Canada in February, but the region is by no means out of the woods yet for the 2022 growing season.
The latest monthly update of the Canadian drought monitor noted above-normal precipitation across most of the region last month, with the most significant improvements in northern Alberta and Saskatchewan as well as southern Manitoba. On the other hand, southern Alberta continued to see a lack of precipitation.
Numerous precipitation events tracked across northern Alberta and southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba, resulting in up to 200% of normal precipitation during the month. The February precipitation, along with above normal precipitation from previous months, has resulted in “substantial snow cover and therefore significant improvement to drought conditions,” the monitor said.
The above-normal winter precipitation led to widespread reductions in drought from Edmonton to Saskatoon, stretching towards Winnipeg. A significant portion of the extreme drought across the region has also been reduced, along with all but one pocket of exceptional drought near Rosetown, SK.