By Jon LaPorte
The next session of the Farm Policy and Risk Management webinar series is just around the corner! The series continues to offer educational webinars on United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) insurance programs to aid producers in understanding risk protection options. On Wednesday, Dec. 20 at 1:00 PM, the Dairy session will explore insurance and risk management programs designed specifically for dairy farms.
Two distinct programs will be discussed: Dairy Revenue Protection and Dairy Margin Coverage. Participants will review price risk as it relates to milk prices and their connection to futures markets. Most importantly, how adverse changes in prices for milk and dairy commodities can impact prices received. The session will focus on how programs can aid small and large dairy farmers in managing these adverse impacts. As well as how important it is to work with a knowledgeable insurance agent when deciding which program works best for your farm.
The session will also feature as a guest speaker. As an educator for 33 years, Craig Williams has taught youth and adult programs on agriculture and livestock education. He conducts on-farm research and demonstration programs, including corn and soybean variety trials, calf growth programs and dairy barn ventilation programs. He has led the dairy risk management and farm bill education programs for the Penn State University Dairy Team. Craig also leads and serves as a mortality composting educator securing USDA -APHIS grants for training. He has served eight years on the committee for the International Symposium on Animal Mortality Management.