By Dan Kaiser
Applying urea fertilizer in the fall is a popular practice for Minnesota sugarbeet growers to provide nitrogen (N) to the following year’s crop. However, recent research for corn in Minnesota shows a significant yield hit for fall-applied urea compared to spring application. Could the same be true for sugarbeet?
That’s the focus of a three-year study funded by the Sugarbeet Research and Education Board of Minnesota and North Dakota. We established two trials, one in the northern sugarbeet growing region of Minnesota (Crookston) and one in the state’s southern sugarbeet growing region (Hector). We’re looking at sugarbeet root yield and quality responses to various rates and sources of urea applied in late fall versus pre-plant in the spring. The goal of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of fall urea application and to see if any commercial inhibitors or polymer-coated urea blends differ in the amount of N supplied to the crop based on application timing.
One interesting finding from our recent sugarbeet research has been the impact of spring-applied urea on sugarbeet emergence. Sugarbeet emergence has been evaluated on N trials the past three growing seasons and has shown a clear reduction in emergence with increasing rates of spring-applied urea. While emergence was reduced, root yield was maximized despite decreased emergence.
2021 results
Last year was the first year of the three-year study. Data from 2021 followed the same trend as previous years, with a 25% reduction in emergence with 200 pounds of spring-applied N at both locations. Yield was not affected by N application at the northern field location and 90 pounds of N applied as urea maximized yield at the southern location (the applied N does not include 40 pounds of residual nitrate-N in a four-foot soil sample). The reduction in emergence was greater with spring application and there was little to no effect of fall-applied urea on emergence. Since fall application timing did not impact the amount of N needed for the southern location, there was again no relationship between the reduction in emergence and root yield or quality.