By Rajan Parajuli
Recent data shows that the NC timber industry is resilient and continues to perform better despite the COVID-19 Pandemic. In 2020, the total stumpage value of timber harvest, the value that landowners received for their standing timber, was about $590 million, up 2.1% from a year ago. Moreover, the total value that mills paid (i.e., the delivered value) was about $1.2 billion, up 1.2% from the value reported in 2019. While the timber prices were down in 2020, overall timber harvests were reported to increase by approximately 5%. According to the 2020 US Forest Service Timber Product Output (TPO) survey, sawlog harvests were up 7.6% from a year ago, however, pulpwood harvests remained flat and composites including bio-energy harvests declined from a year ago. Several counties realized significant changes in the values from last year, due primarily to the changes in timber harvests (TPO) data. Bertie, Beaufort, and Craven were the top three counties in terms of the 2020 timber delivered values, respectively. For county-wide stumpage and delivered values of timber harvests in 2020, visit 2020 Timber Income Data.