Another key component of See & Spray Ultimate is the split tank with dual-product capability, which helps farmers better control weeds and battle herbicide resistance. "We executed several strip trials, and in one strip trial in Illinois soybeans we compared the weed control results of a broadcast, single tank mix to See & Spray Ultimate's dual product solution system," Peitz said. "The single tank mix had three modes of action and with dual product we were able to add a fourth mode of action that wouldn't be as effective with a one tank mix due to antagonism. The See & Spray Ultimate dual product pass with the fourth mode of action resulted in 7% better weed control than the broadcast pass, providing better yield protection for the farmer. Through the addition of another mode of action, chances for herbicide resistance development are also reduced, adding another layer of yield protection for the future."
Two tank options are available, 1,200 and 1,000 gallons. The 1,200-gallon option is split into a 450-gallon tank for targeted spraying and a 750-gallon tank for broadcast spraying. The 1,000-gallon option is split into a 350-gallon tank for targeted spraying and a 650-gallon tank broadcast spraying.
"Farmers can apply a residual broadcast application and non-residual targeted application in a pre-emergence pass or targeted spray only as a clean-up pass. This also allows farmers to rethink their fungicide and liquid fertilizer passes," Peitz said.
John Deere MY23 Sprayers come factory equipped with JDLink™ connectivity, plus a new integrated StarFire™ 7000 GPS receiver, and Generation 4 CommandCenter™ display. The StarFire 7000 receiver builds upon the success of its predecessors and brings to market a new type of RTK signal, SF-RTK. SF-RTK is the easiest RTK solution to use relying solely on satellite communication. These technologies combined enable the operator to reduce overlap and maximize inputs all with less stress.
As See & Spray Ultimate travels across the field, the Generation 4 Display allows a farmer to analyze savings by seeing how much ground was covered compared to how much was sprayed. After a pass is made, a map showing weed pressure within each field is available in John Deere Operations Center™. This enables a farmer to compare the weed map to their yield map and make decisions about their weed-control program. Peitz said these analytical tools provide insights to make more-informed field management decisions year after year.
"From a sustainability standpoint See & Spray Ultimate can help farmers use less herbicide and decreases opportunities for drift, and that's better for everyone," Peitz said.
Source : John Deere