Deadline for Soybean Benchmarking and Yield Gap Survey is March 31

Mar 16, 2018
By Mike Staton
Michigan soybean producers have until March 31, 2018, to participate in an important survey that will help identify soybean yield gaps and specific management practices for overcoming them.
Michigan is participating in a multi-state, checkoff-funded project to identify the factors that are limiting soybean yields and specific management practices or crop inputs that will help producers overcome them. We are asking soybean producers to provide field-specific information regarding management practices, crop inputs and soybean yields for two to four fields that were planted to soybeans in 2017. The provided information will remain confidential and will contribute to recommendations for more profitable soybean production practices. A higher number of returned surveys will improve the reliability and accuracy of the ensuing recommendations.
If you received a survey at a winter meeting or in the mail, please consider completing and retuning the survey. If you did not receive a survey and want to participate, read the survey form instructions and complete the survey via one of these two options:
  1. Download the fillable form and complete the form using a computer: 2017 Soybean Benchmarking Survey - Fillable Form.
  2. Download and print the printable form and complete the survey by hand: 2017 Soybean Benchmarking Survey - Print Form.
If you prefer to have the form and instructions mailed directly to you, call me at 269-673-0370 ext. 2562 as soon as possible. Surveys are due March 31, 3018.
For additional details about the survey, see my previous article, “Survey being conducted to help Michigan soybean producers identify and overcome yield gaps.”
I realize that completing the survey will take some time and effort, so as an additional incentive, producers that provide all the requested information and return surveys before March 31, 2018, will be entered into drawings for either $500 or $1,000. Producers that complete the survey for two fields will be entered into the drawing for $500. Producers that provide all the requested information for four fields will be entered into the drawing for $1,000. Only one survey form can be submitted per farm. The odds of winning either drawing will be better than 1 out of 100.
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