CWSHIN Now Able to Benchmark Frequency of Swine Syndromes

Jun 08, 2020

The Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network is now able to benchmark the various syndromes reported in swine in terms of frequency. As part of a series of improvements to its quarterly clinical impressions survey, the Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network has modified the manner in which it compares data collected from veterinarians on the various syndromes.
CWSHIN Manager Dr. Jette Christensen says nine different syndromes are monitored and they can now be ordered.
Clip-Dr. Jette Christensen-Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network:
We now can see that the digestive syndrome, which includes diarrhea as the most common disease, is the most frequent syndrome. Next is a group of three different syndromes, anything to do with legs, skeleton, muscles, we can that locomotory, the respiratory and then systemic which would be something that affects different organ systems.
Those three syndromes are next and they occur occasionally. Then we have four rare syndromes, anything to do with the skin, neurological syndrome which is sort of paralysis and strange cycling movements of the legs. The other one is injury and welfare, so anything to do with broken legs and other injuries would fall into that and then reproductive.
They are sort of rare. That's the clinical impression. Then finally we have two very rare syndromes. That is diseases that can only be diagnosed in the barn as a clinical disease. That would be ear necrosis or something like that or the diseases that the pigs would be born with. We can that congenital.

Source : Farmscape
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