Crop quality ‘complete turnaround’: Cereals Canada

Oct 17, 2022

Preliminary estimates suggest better cereal crop quality this year compared to 2021, says Elaine Sopiwnyk, vice-president, technical services for Cereals Canada.

Formal results from the organization’s harvest assessment program are not yet available, but estimates from Cereals Canada’s weekly calls with the exporters that participate in the program suggest things look good.

“What we’ve heard so far is that it’s a complete turnaround from last year,” says Sopiwnyk. “We’re seeing a lot of high-quality material, primarily ones and twos, and not a lot of downgrading.”

In terms of protein content for Canadian Western Red Soft wheat (CWRS) and Canadian Western Amber Durum wheat (CWAD), she says levels appear to be average or slightly above.

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