Winter wheat harvested was 95%, well ahead of 64% last year and ahead of 78% average.
Sorghum condition rated 0% very poor, 3% poor, 17% fair, 61% good and 19% excellent. Sorghum headed was 36%, ahead of 28% last year and near 32% average. Coloring was 1%, equal to both last year and average.
Oats harvested was 82%, well ahead of 53% last year and ahead of 67% average.
Dry edible bean condition rated 9% very poor, 7% poor, 25% fair, 46% good and 13% excellent. Dry edible beans blooming was 40%, behind 54% last year and 58% average. Setting pods was 19%, near 18% last year and 17% average.
Pasture and Range Report:
Pasture and range conditions rated 8% very poor, 12% poor, 27% fair, 40% good and 13% excellent.
Data for this news release were provided at the county level by USDA Farm Service Agency, UNL Extension Service, and other reporters across the state.
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