The extraordinary cost increases to absorb in a short period of time has created tremendous management challenges for farmers and ranchers.
“These increases are occurring because of the strong demand, higher energy cost and the supply disruptions due to COVID, the war between Russia and the Ukraine, trade policy, and drought. These challenges are especially difficult to manage for young people who are just getting started in agriculture,” McHargue said.
Rempe also analyzed how the drought would impact crop producers, but to do that it’s important to imagine what production would have been in the absence of drought. For crop producers overall, production will be down with the impacts becoming better understood as harvest continues.
“Making some assumptions regarding yields and prices in a world without drought, the value of this year’s corn crop could be $1.1 billion less compared to what might have been. And the value of the soybean crop could be $674 million less. Adding an estimated figure for the forgone value of wheat production—wheat production this year was 31 percent less than what might have been expected—the total loss in value to Nebraska’s corn, soybean, and wheat producers could reach nearly $2 billion. But it’s likely to be worse because these estimates do not account for other crops like sorghum, sugar beets, sunflowers, and dry beans,” Rempe said.
Those who raise cattle and other livestock have also felt the impacts of drought. Much of Nebraska’s pasture and rangeland is rated in poor or very poor condition. Alfalfa production is projected to be down 22 percent this year compared to last year. Other hay production is expected to be off 18 percent compared to 2021. Less forage production means higher forage prices. Additionally, the cost of other feedstocks like corn and distillers grains have risen too. These impacts—less forage production, stressed pastures, and higher feed costs—stem largely from the drought.
“Nebraska cow/calf producers are making decisions whether to keep the herd intact and pay higher feed costs or liquidate cows to reduce costs. Nebraska’s beef cow herd was already shrinking prior to the onset of the drought. Several factors point to the decline continuing in 2022. First, the average weekly beef cow slaughter for region 7 (Nebraska; Iowa; Missouri; Kansas) through early October was 34 percent higher compared to the same period last year. Second, weekly heifer slaughter numbers through mid-September were running 5 percent ahead of last year,” Rempe said.
The Livestock Market Information Center (LMIC) reports heifers are entering feedlots at a higher rate this year.

The Nebraska Farm Bureau is a grassroots, state-wide organization dedicated to supporting farm and ranch families and working for the benefit of all Nebraskans through a wide variety of educational, service, and advocacy efforts.
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