West Fargo, ND – Crary Ag has expanded their GOLD’NCUT™ cutting system line with the 2020 addition of the Stalk Raptor™ section. The Stalk Raptor section features a patent pending hybrid serration that utilizes a combination of coarse and extra-coarse serrations aimed to slice through all stem variations from small grains to the heartiest pulse crop stalks.
“The Stalk Raptor™ has the same aggressive qualities of an extra-coarse section with additional precision to the cutting quality of heartier stalks,” said Rob Smith, Crary Ag Service Manager. “We saw the need for this more versatile section.”
Over the past few decades, genetic advancements within the farming industry developed heartier plant varieties, creating more substantial stalks. These stalks are often still somewhat green and contain a higher moisture content than the rest of the plant when the crop is ready for harvest. Due to this advancement in the plant structure, farmers have started turning to extra-course cutting sections. While extra-course sections are more aggressive, these blades have reduced piercing points – which provides most of the cutting action.
Known for farming innovation, Crary Ag developed the Stalk Raptor™ to meet the needs of growers and harvesters.
“Along with the increased cutting quality for more substantial stalks, the additional piercing points allow the Stalk Raptor™ to have the versatility to cut well on less substantial stemmed crops such as small grains,” said Smith.
Crary Ag performed in-depth testing on the new hybrid blade, both at their manufacturing and engineering facilities and in multiple field tests. Field feedback from harvesters indicated that the new Stalk Raptor™ cutting sections excelled in greener crop conditions and outperformed competitor sections on heavy stalk crop. The new Stalk Raptor features induction-hardened edges for increased wear life and self-sharpen as wear occurs.
“We compared the Stalk Raptor™ sections against other course and extra-course blades in the same conditions and showed the hybrid design of the Stalk Raptor held a sharper edge longer than the other blades,” said Smith.
The precision cutting design of the Stalk Raptor™ provides less crop shatter, increases crop feeding capabilities, and allows harvesters to operate with increased ground speeds. Blade sections are easily interchangeable and offer the same bolt-on convenience as Crary Ag’s entire GOLD’NCUT line.
Crary Ag’s GOLD’NCUT lineup also offers three other varieties of plated sickle sections to accommodate all sickle harvesting needs; top serrated fine, bottom serrated fine, and top serrated course.
The new Stalk Raptor™ blade is now released and is available for growers during this years’ harvest season.