Feedlots are currently enjoying good profits due to the long time lags in feedlot production and the fact that fed prices increased quickly to record levels this year. The increase in fed cattle prices are balanced against the price of feeder cattle placed in feedlots roughly six months ago. However, it’s just a matter of time before feedlot margins feel the squeeze of rising cattle prices. The prices of feeder cattle currently being placed in feedlots are up about 39 percent year over year. Feedlot breakevens for fed cattle will increase sharply by the end of the year.
Calf prices are currently up roughly 50 percent year over year. With calf prices increasing faster than feeder cattle prices, stocker margins or value of gain is eroding. However, similar to feedlots, the time lags in stocker production will allow the uptrend in prices feeder sales to offset part of the high calf purchase prices. A significant uptrend in feeder prices is priced into Feeder futures contract for the deferred months and, depending on the details, stocker or backgrounding programs may still show decent prospects for positive returns. Calf prices are likely to continue increasing faster than feeder cattle prices in the coming months.
Cattle markets are increasingly focused on calf prices in order to build the incentives for herd expansion in the coming months. Cow-calf producers will see sharply rising revenues as calf prices continue to increase.
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