Cover Crop Termination Field Day to be Hosted at the MSU Agronomy Farm

Mar 26, 2024

By Madelyn Celovsky

Cover crops are a tool used by farmers across Michigan to build soil health, reduce nutrient loss and soil erosion and manage weeds. While some cover crops are killed by winter frost, some overwinter and need to be terminated before planting a cash crop. Successful cover crop termination is an important part of getting the most out of your cover crops.

At the 2024 Cover Crop Termination Field Day on April 24, Christy Sprague, PhD, and Karen Renner, PhD, will guide a tour through their cover crop demonstration plots. Discussion will focus on the challenges that come with cover crop termination and some helpful recommendations to guide termination timing and herbicide program decisions to ensure successful termination across a variety of cover crop species. The field day will be held from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Michigan State University Agronomy Farm, 4450 Beaumont Rd., Lansing, MI 48910.

Thanks to our sponsor, ForGround by Bayer, registration is free and includes lunch. Register at the following link to secure your spot: 2024 Cover Crop Termination Field Day.

The event has three restricted use pesticide credits and certified crop advisor continuing education credits pending.

Can’t make the field day? Check out this helpful Cover Crop Termination bulletin from Michigan State University Extension with some basic tips for cover crop termination in Michigan.

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