Corn Insect Workshop To Cover Pest Identification And Management

Jun 03, 2016

By Erin Hodgson
Improve knowledge of corn insect pest identification, biology and sampling
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is offering a Corn Insect Workshop on Friday, July 29, at the Field Extension Education Laboratory near Boone, Iowa. The workshop is open to anyone who wants to learn more about corn insect pest management, and is of particular interest to crop consultants, agronomists and farmers.
Yellow striped armyworm by Erin Hodgson
“Caterpillars are becoming a more prominent insect pest in corn and soybean,” said Erin Hodgson, associate professor and extension entomologist with ISU Extension and Outreach. “The goal of the workshop is to learn more about the scouting and management of caterpillars, such as black cutworm, armyworms and European corn borer.”  
Hodgson has observed an interest of farmers backing off of Bt traits because of the cost of seed. As a result, corn is no longer protected from common caterpillars and a few farmers noted European corn borer injury for the first time in 20 years.
“Many haven’t had to deal with caterpillars because the Bt traits have been so effective,” said Hodgson. “Farmers are looking to reduce costs, and for some, that means cutting down on Bt traits. This is leading to an increase in crop injury from caterpillars, with some capable of reducing significant yield. European corn borer damage results in poor ear development, broken stalks and dropped ears. One larva can cause a 5 percent yield loss.”
The workshop, held at Iowa State University’s Field Extension Education Laboratory, will touch on these issues, along with other early season pests. The course will be a combination of inside presentations and outside demonstrations, led by collaborating entomologist Marlin Rice and Hodgson. Hodgson and Rice will assess root injury, split stalks and look at ear quality with the group.
The event qualifies for 5.0 pest management continuing education credits for Iowa Certified Crop Advisors. The registration fee includes breakfast, lunch and snacks. It also will include a packet of crop insect resources, such as handouts, publications and scouting cards.
The Field Extension Education Laboratory is located at 1928 240th St. Registration check-in opens at 8:30 a.m. The program starts at 9 a.m. and adjourns at 3:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required and must be completed before midnight, July 25. Registration is $150. Additional workshop information and online registration with credit card is available at

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