By Dominic Reisig
For many years, corn earworm has been the top pest in North Carolina soybeans in terms of cost of control and losses. Corn earworm is primarily a later-season pest and more common in later-planted soybean. The reason for this is that local populations build up in their primary nursery crop, corn. They pupate in the soil, emerge, and infest soybeans that flower in late-July and August. However, corn earworms also migrate from more southern areas. We have noted corn earworms in soybeans as early as May this year. These were almost certainly migrants from the south and could be why earlier-planted soybeans have abnormally high levels of corn earworms this year.
All soybeans should be scouted for insects, no matter the planting date. For corn earworms, use either a sweep net or drop cloth, and the threshold calculator to determine the economic threshold. Check out this video for a demo of how to scout.
The surest way to prevent loss is to treat at the economic threshold. A common mistake growers make is to not treat soybeans with a low-yield potential. This is a fallacy because corn earworm larvae consume the same amount of pods and seeds whether the crop will yield 20 bu/A or 80 bu/A. In fact, the overall percent of yield corn earworm larvae take will be higher in a low-yielding crop compared to a high-yielding crop.