PGRs are compounds that affect plant hormones that regulate internode elongation and branching in plants. Some PGR applications might affect pigmentation of the flowers by decreasing the synthesis of anthocyanins in the flowers. The Selecta Culture sheet notes that daminozide (e.g., B-Nine from OHP and Dazide from Fine Americas) applications in the last five weeks of production can cause excessively white flowers. Instead, it recommends a drench application of paclobutrazol (e.g., Bonzi from Syngenta and Piccolo from Fine Americas) at 1.0 to 3.0 ppm to limit stretch without bleaching of the flowers.
Recent Michigan State University research has determined that PGRs used to promote branching of greenhouse crops also influenced the coloration of Petunia ‘Night Sky.’ In the study, the crop was grown at a day and night temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) and plants were very purple. Interestingly, when applied 10 days after transplant as a spray alone or in combination, Configure [6-benzyladenine (6-BA) from Fine Americas], Crest [cytokinin, indole-butyric acid (IBA) and gibberellic acid (GA) from Fine Americas], Collate (ethephon from Fine Americas) and Fresco (GA+6-BA from Fine Americas) increased the white pigmentation of flowers (Photo 3).
As mentioned earlier, temperature can also affect flower pigmentation. Flower color is influenced by both the generation and breakdown of anthocyanins, and both processes are influenced by temperature. Anthocyanin production and thus the purple flower color generally increase at low temperatures and decrease at high temperatures (Photo 4). Therefore, flower color is influenced by both the day and night temperature. To everyone’s surprise, temperature has the opposite effect for petunia ‘Night Sky,’ where cool nights promote white coloration and warm nights promote purple coloration.
If the flower color is more white than desired, try increasing the temperature; if it is more purple than desired, try reducing the temperature (if possible). More information is available on plant culture of petunia Headliner ‘Night Sky,’ including the effects of temperature on the coloration of flowers.
Commercial growers are encouraged to refer to the breeder’s culture sheets when growing petunias with novel color patterns for culture recommendations. Doing so will help ensure growers are shipping product with the desired flower color pattern. Growers should also visit plant trials to see how the plants will perform for consumers in their landscapes and might affect their decisions for future years.
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