Patzer says he's been asking for clarity on the Government's plan.
"Obviously, canola and corn are two of the biggest nitrogen users as far as the crops that use it. Which are obviously staple crops for biofuels, which is a big focus of the government's, you know, green energy plan going forward. So, for reducing fertilizer usage we need to grow more crop that requires, you know, a lot of nitrogen. It seems a little counterproductive to be limiting the use of it, if that's the angle that they end up taking."
He says we've seen the reports that show reducing or capping fertilizer use is going to impact production.
"Which is not ideal because then we got to import more from the U.S. So, let's give farmers the tools that they need, they know how to take good care of the land. They've been using state-of-the-art farming practices for years. So we need to respect the fact that they know what's best, and they will continue to do what's in the best interest of the land, because that's going to give them the best result. While also respecting the environment and the land usage."
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