“There’s hope that by controlling the microbiome, we’ll be able to make some of the gains that need to be made in production and environmental impact,” he said. “This field is just beginning. A study like this one lays a lot of foundation work, which was missing up to this point.”
The analysis incorporated data from studies published between 2019 and 2021 that were conducted in Australia, Canada, China, the Netherlands, Norway and the U.S. The data spanned more than 3,300 fecal microbial communities sampled from about 350 pigs over 60 time points ranging from birth to market age.
Co-author Nicole Ricker from the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph in Canada co-led one of the studies included in the analysis, published in 2020 in Frontiers in Veterinary Science. Ricker, an assistant professor in the Department of Pathobiology, highlighted two key findings in the work that provide a foundation for future studies.
“First, the overall trajectory of the microbiome development through piglet development is predictable and can be modeled effectively, despite methodological differences in the studies examined,” Ricker said. The animals involved in the studies consisted of various breeds differing in genetics and that ate different diets.
Second, the research revealed important details of the piglet microbiome at a fine time scale. “This opens a diversity of research avenues for understanding how piglet microbiome development is impacted by different management strategies including feed additives, weaning time and antibiotic use,” she said.
One goal of the study was to predict the age of the animals based on their microbiomes. The researchers were able to do so with an accuracy of about 70%. Evidence has suggested that a more mature microbial community becomes stable more quickly. That might then translate into more consistent growth conditions for the animal.
“That’s important because the microbial community plays a major role in influencing the animals’ immune system, health, how well they digest their feed and how quickly they grow,” Johnson said.
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