New studies link colostrum quality to calf health and survival
Agriculture researchers have unveiled pivotal findings that identify colostrum, the first milk from cows' post-birth, as a key determinant in the health and survival of beef calves. Studies conducted by North Carolina State University, in collaboration with the University of Calgary, show a direct correlation between colostrum's antibody transfer and the vitality of the calf population.
Assistant Professor Lisa Gamsjaeger, while working with the University of Calgary, led the research, which took a critical look at how first-time cow moms and older cows affected the antibody levels in their calves. The results were telling calves receiving inadequate colostrum were more prone to health issues, needing more medical treatments, and had higher mortality rates.
The research highlighted that colostrum intake within the first 24 hours is vital for calves, providing them with necessary disease protection. However, not all calves benefit equally. The study found that 18% of the calves sampled showed inadequate antibody levels, with a concerning 5% experiencing a complete transfer failure.