In addition, there is some regionality of increased PED case positivity and that's seen across Iowa, Oklahoma, Minnesota and Missouri. There's also some increased activity in influenza in the sow component with approximately 36 percent case positivity.We're also monitoring Mycoplasma but it is seeing a little bit of a decrease in the wean to market group but it's still a higher case positivity identification as compared to other years.
The other thing that was noted, there were alarms for different changes in increases in tissue diagnosis for the following diseases including influenza, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, PRRS, Pasteurella multocida and Strep suis.
Dr. Becton says what this tells us is we can expect an increase in health challenges over the winter which necessitates an increased biosecurity focus.
SHIC's domestic and global swine disease monitoring reports can be accessed at
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