“These concerns highlight the multifaceted challenges that climate change poses to the agriculture sector, affecting both economic outcomes and the well-being of farmers, ranchers, and their communities,” the survey report said.
But while climate change ranks as a top challenge nationwide, its importance varies regionally. For example, in Eastern Canada (Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic Canada), climate change was by far the top concern, cited by about 14% of respondents, with input costs and government policies next in order. In Western Canada - BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba - input costs and government policies were seen as the top challenges, with climate change ranking third, cited by about 4% of respondents.
Other key findings of the survey:
86% of farmers and ranchers consider themselves good stewards of the land, and 46% feel they can do more to improve environmental outcomes on their operations.
Almost 94% of farmers and ranchers see improving soil health as a top priority, while 87% prioritize improving on-farm resilience.
Interest is high for practices such as improved nitrogen management, no-till/reduced tillage, cover cropping, wildlife habitat conservation, and rotational grazing.
FCS is a national farmer and rancher-led coalition advancing practical solutions that support producers in making the transition to high resilience, low emissions approaches to agriculture.
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