By Bruce Cochrane
The CEO of Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan says chefs are eager to learn more about where the food they prepare comes from so they can pass the information on to their customers.
In an effort to connect with consumers Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan invited over 100 national and international food experts, including food writers, culinary academics and chefs, as well as farmers, ranchers and others to explore farms and food processing facilities in the Saskatoon area last month and in the Regina area in August as part of its Taste the Land of Living Skies Farm Tours program.
Adele Buettner, the CEO of Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan, says we've seen a change in the level of interest among consumers in food production over the last decade and, more than ever, people want to know where their food comes from.
Adele Buettner-Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan:
Our interest to connect with non-farming public is to engage them in conversation and to build trust in food our production.
First of all we know that less than 2 percent of the Canadian population have direct ties to modern agriculture so right there that tells you that people are removed from food production.
We're making efforts to change that here in Saskatchewan by inviting influencers and those that are involved in food production to come to Saskatchewan and learn about how food is grown.
We also see the need and the interest to connect with chefs.
Now, when people go out and enjoy an evening meal and they enjoy what the chef has prepared, often they have questions about where the food has come from, how that food is grown or raised and so chefs are coming to us as well wanting to understand and be able to answer those questions with accuracy.
The interest is there and the need is there to connect with all levels of our non-farming public.
Buettner says, given the increase in consumers' interest in food, in food production and food preparation, it's very important and timely that the farm industry and agriculture has opened up their farm gates to engage our consumers and share with them information on how food is grown in Saskatchewan.