Jahn notes the proposed recommendations came out of a co-development process with the grain industry involving farmers, the seed industry, public breeders, commodity groups and the grain industry and value chain all having an active role in the discussions.
"We wanted to make sure that the farmer customer and the downstream grain industry was part of this process. So we as part of co-development did a lot of stakeholder engagement. We made sure that we had balanced representation from the farmer/producer side, and grain were for those customers and we're balancing that with the seed industry. So that the seed industry who's most impacted directly because they're regulated parties was at the table, and then the consumer of seeds had a voice and they were also at the table. We wanted farmers and the grain industry to have a say."
The actual recommendations or ideas put forward come from the co-development process and consultations with stakeholders and industry working group members. As a result, the ideas are somewhat already vetted by the different parts of the seed value chain, before it was released to the broader stakeholder base.
Recommendations and other proposals that were supported - more than 60% of the 412 respondents supported the following statements.
- CFIA should take over the responsibility of determining variety certification eligibility for crops not subject to variety registration;
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