Cereals Canada has wrapped up its annual New Crop Trade and Technical Missions updating customers in 17 countries on the quality of the 2023 wheat crop.
Elaine Sopiwnyk, vice president of technical services for Cereals Canada says despite challenging growing conditions last year that led to variable yields and below-average production, Canadian farmers grew almost 30 million tonnes of high-quality wheat.
"Over 95 per cent of CWRS graded #1 and #2 with average protein content. In terms of Durum wheat or CWAD, we saw that over 80 per cent graded #1 and #2 with protein content that was higher than average. For CPSR we saw that over 90 per cent graded #1 and #2 with average protein content."
The 2023 New Crop Trade and Technical Missions saw four delegations of Cereal Canada trade and technical experts, exporters, Canadian Grain Commissioners, and grower representatives take that message of the Canadian crop out to customers.