Syngenta is featuring two exciting new ethanol industry innovations at the 31st annual International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo held in Minneapolis from June 1 to June 4.
On June 2, Quad County Corn Processors CEO Delayne Johnson will discuss Cellerate™ process technology as part of his presentation entitled, “Grabbing that Next Rung: Advanced Ethanol Production for Existing Starch Producers.”
Cellerate is a revolutionary, new technology that can be added to an existing ethanol plant to help ethanol plants convert corn kernel fiber into cellulosic ethanol. In addition to enabling plants to increase production by up to 6 percent, Cellerate can help ethanol producers increase the protein content of dried distillers grains to as much as 40 percent and increase total yield of distillers corn oil up to 1.6 pounds per bushel.
“The biofuels industry now has the technology available to create 2 billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol – all from the same kernel of corn,” Johnson said. “The combination of Cellerate and Enogen® corn enzyme technology is allowing us to produce advanced and cellulosic ethanol that qualifies for D3 RINs while decreasing natural gas usage, increasing ethanol throughput and reducing energy consumption. QCCP is proud to be one of the first companies to issue D3 RINs. We look forward to higher D3 RIN requirements as new production comes on.”
In April, QCCP passed the 1 million gallon milestone for cellulosic ethanol production using Cellerate™ process technology. This achievement puts QCCP on track to produce 2 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol per year.
In 2014, Syngenta announced an agreement with Cellulosic Ethanol Technologies, a wholly-owned subsidiary of QCCP, to license Cellerate to ethanol plants. Earlier this year, QCCP was honored with the RFA 2015 Industry Award at the 20th Annual National Ethanol Conference in recognition of its achievements in advancing the use of cellulosic ethanol technology.
On June 3, Chris Cook, Head of Enogen Stewardship for Syngenta, will discuss the Enogen Value Tracker, a new stewardship innovation from Syngenta designed to simplify grain tracking.
“Beginning this year, the Enogen Value Tracker – a naturally derived, non-GMO purple tracer trait – is being included in select bags of Enogen hybrids,” Cook said. “In seed bags featuring the Enogen Value Tracker, up to 5 percent of seeds will contain the purple tracer trait that will be expressed in the corn plant and through random kernels on the purple plant ear.”
Cook added that the grain produced from these purple (and neighboring) plants will be comprised of both yellow and purple kernels to make visually tracking Enogen corn easier from harvest through storage and processing. The purple kernels will also help make sure this high value grain is delivered to its intended destination.
“The Enogen Value Tracker is part of an ongoing Syngenta commitment to provide Enogen corn enzyme technology to the market in a manner that offers benefits to growers, ethanol plants and biofuels production while respecting other uses of the corn crop,” Cook said.