I’m also proud of the work that OFA does to provide communications to francophone members in their native language and to work together wherever possible with our French-speaking colleagues at the Union des cultivateurs franco-ontariens (UCFO).
In 2021, with the support of funding from the provincial government, we collaborated on a project with UCFO to translate many of our fact sheets, policy documents, and other important resources into French and make them available on the OFA website.
Since then, we’ve carried forward a commitment to ensuring key news releases, opinion columns like this Viewpoint and other communications on key and province-wide topics are translated and made available in French.
We also make sure all of our OFA election information is provided in both official languages so that the democratic process of our organization is transparent and accessible to our members.
And for the past year, OFA has been working closely with our counterparts at UCFO to promote a program they’re leading in Ontario called AgriMentor that provides one-on-one mentorship coaching nationwide in French or English for women working in agriculture.
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