Cattle Producers Invited To USDA-AMS Listening Sessions On Cattle Contracts Library Pilot Program

Jun 05, 2023

 It’s been a few months since the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service began the Cattle Contracts Library pilot program, and the agency is looking for feedback. Beef feedlot producers are invited to attend a listening session either in person or virtually.

The Cattle Contracts Library is a pilot program designed to increase market transparency for cattle producers.  During each listening session, AMS will present an overview of the current pilot followed by an opportunity for participants to share their feedback on the usage and value of the Cattle Contracts Library.

The two closest locations for Iowa producers are June 14 at the Iowa State University ISU Wallace Foundation Learning and Outreach Center located at 53020 Hitchcock Avenue, Lewis, and June 16 at the USDA Cattle & Carcass Training Center located on the campus of University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Loeffel Meat Science Laboratory, in Lincoln, Neb.

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