"Its still hovering in that $113 - $115 area on the D2 average, and again the highest slaughter cow price we've seen for this time of year since 2015."
Wasko says a key factor with the increase in pricing now for the slaughter cow market is due to the drought and bigger cow marketings that we saw in 2021.
She says when focusing on that slaughter market we're still seeing very dry conditions down into the deep south plains, so we've got a U.S. cow kill that's up 14 per cent.
"That hasn't impacted prices (certainly north of the border) and their prices are still above a year ago, just showing the demand especially for that lean trim ( that hamburger beef ) that's been super strong here in 2022."
The cattle markets were quiet in June and July, but things started picking up in August, especially on the grass cattle market.
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